Tuesday, August 27, 2013

4GB Smoke Detector Hidden Spy Camera DVR with motion detection

4GB Smoke Detector Hidden Spy Camera DVR with motion detection
  • Motion Activated Auto Recording! (3 to 4 meter range)
  • 720x480 resolution / 30 fps / 2 megapixel
  • Records for 2 hours continuously
  • 72 degree viewing angle
  • Includes 4gb SD memory card

first the bad: the instructions are hard to read and follow. nothing it tells you to do is correct. i found out things on a hit and miss basis. with the card they send i was able to get about 1 hour of recorded video. went to an 8 gb and got about 2 hours. finally went up to a 16gb and can get up to 4 hours of recorded video. just got a 32gb to go up to 8 hours but it wont download onto my computer like the others. so dont know if it has 32gb capacity and nowhere on the instructions does it say. so will keep trying it and see if it works. also, cant get the motion part of it to work, yet. will keep trying. but i do find i have to recharge it every day for about 4-6 hours. guess thats not a bad thing since it doesnt interfere with anything else i am doing on the computer.

the good: when it is fully charged, it works quite well. can get up to 4hrs and 20min. of video. picture quality is better than i expected even in semi-low light. am able to see building maintenance come into my apt now and take food out of my refrigerator. so this has worked for exactly what i wanted it to. will keep it for further use if necessary because it does do what it says it will for the most part. did have some issues in the beginning with product delivery but this company did go above what they needed to do to make things right. i did see these cameras a little cheaper through other companies but just the customer service i got from this company made the extra cost worth it. if i have to any more ordering of this type of equipment, i will use them again.

Buy 4GB Smoke Detector Hidden Spy Camera DVR with motion detection Now

when the box came there were very Few instructions on how to work it and install it. so it looks it's going to have to be more of a trial and error thing until I get comfortable with the camera and it's features. From my testing and playing with it. The video quality is good.

Read Best Reviews of 4GB Smoke Detector Hidden Spy Camera DVR with motion detection Here

instruction are intelligible, and when you figure out what they're trying to say the thing only works for 5 minutes

Want 4GB Smoke Detector Hidden Spy Camera DVR with motion detection Discount?

The picture quality is fair. The shooting angle can be improvised. The instruction is to simple and not user friendly. Not worth buying.

"English" instructions would be just plain funny if I could get this device to work.

Also printed in 4 point type, and with blurry graphics.

So far, I can't even get it to power on so no feedback on how it operates.

It does look a lot like a smoke detector although mine, the plastic is a little bit pink in contrast with the white unit in the photo.

Will happily update/upgrade the review if I can get a friend to figure it out!

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