The first thing that struck me was that the reset door was not closing, but rattled like a rattlesnake if you moved the unit. Research on the internet showed that this was a common flaw, but it could be fixed by bending the door with a small screwdriver.
Next I found out that dust had entered the display, and due to the construction of the backlighting, dust particles shine brightly and can only be removed by fishing them out with a long hair. Apparently this too is a common problem, since Compaq forgot to seal the display of the unit, so dust can enter between the display and the touchscreen foil. Compaq does exchange the iPAQ if there is dust in the display, but the replacement unit will have the exact same problems since this is caused by an engineering flaw. So don't bother sending it in until Compaq has a real fix.
The MP3 player proved to be pretty much unusable, because the amplifier is switched off and back on between tracks, causing a deafening popping noise on the headphones. Compaq has promised a firmware update to remedy this problem, but that keeps getting postponed every two weeks, the latest announcement is sometime next year. I won't hold my breath.
Using the unit for games is also all but impossible, because the joypad/buttons are somewhat limited by the hardware design.
Don't be fooled by the metal looking case; it's really just painted plastic, and the paint comes off easily. Just slide on one of the Expansion Packs regularly and see for yourself where the scratches develop.
By now I was subscribed to a forum and found out about a myriad of other problems, including that the symbols on the buttons rub off after a few weeks of using them. Compaq thinks this is normal, so my conclusion would be: don't use them. Great. My advice to Compaq: don't print on metal unless you're certain the paint will stick! The paint on my (plastic) Palm buttons stayed on for two years, and probably will stay on for another twenty.
Would I buy it again? Yes and no. The iPAQ was a great idea, it's currently the fastest Pocket PC around, and if it didn't have the quality problems it has, I'd buy it again. But for this price I expect a unit that works as reliably as my Palm did, that I can actually use daily and not just carry around and not use it to prevent it from becoming unusable.
Unfortunately the demand is currently so great that Compaq seems to be getting away with anything, as people don't care about the problems as long as they can get their hands on an iPAQ. Personally, if I were you, I'd wait a while until either Compaq gets things done right, or the competition comes up with a similar product which doesn't have the problems the iPAQ has.
If you're waiting for the iPAQ to become available again, stop waiting and be glad you didn't spend your money on this prototype that accidentally went into production, and spend your money on something else instead.I purchased the Compaq Ipaq not out of dire necessity, but mostly because of the many features it has:
One, it looks the best out of all of the PDA's. It has a sleek, futuristic, design, unlike the Jornada, for example, which is just plain black.
Two, the stylus can store inside of the body, so there is less of a chance of losing it and you don't have to carry it around separately.
Three, It has an Mp3 player, which is one of the main reasons I picked it over the Palm and Visor, in which an Mp3 expansion costs as much as the PDA itself.
Four, the writing area is retractable and there is an on-screen keyboard; the Palm and Visor don't have the keyboard, and the writing area takes up precious screen space.
Five, the processor is an Intel Strong ARM 206MHz; the other pocket PC's only have 133MHz or lower, and they're not Intel, which is the best and most reliable processor.
Six, it doubles as an E-book, you can read books on your iPaq with Microsoft Reader and download them from numerous websites, even a thesaurus and dictionary; the Palm doesn't have this feature and the Visor expansion is expensive and you can only choose from a selection of four books.
Seven, one of the most important factors in my buying the iPaq is the color screen; the resolution is the best out there, especially compared to the color Palm and Visor PDA's, which are expensive and have very low resolution. Not much of an improvement from a Game Boy.
I went through excruciating research on the other PDA's before I decided on the iPaq, visiting Casio, HP, Visor, Palm, and Compaq. The Palm and Visor I ruled out immediately after seeing the capability of the Pocket PC's. I looked at CNET, Epinions, and PDA Buzz, and went to my local Best Buy, CompUSA, and Circuit City. I saw that it got high praise from many electronics and technology magazines, such as Best of the Year from Popular Science.
It took me 2 weeks before my final decision. That was two weeks too late, into the middle of the Christmas shopping frenzy. Almost every retailer was out because of the popularity of the iPaq and on eBay, it cost around $600-$700. I finally snagged it at a Brandsmart USA, it was the last one.
A very useful feature is AvantGo, which is included. You can load your favorite web site onto your iPaq for viewing anywhere. Also, you can read the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, USAToday, you can play Jeopardy from SonyStation, you can access Yahoo(with movies, news, sports, stocks, etc.), and thousands of other sites.
There are many games and lots of software that you can download for it, like Flight Simulator.
I am very happy with my iPaq, and I would suggest it to anyone. It's good for the music lover, disorganized person, businessman, etc.
Buy Compaq iPAQ 3630 Color Pocket PC Now
This is a great product. DUST DOES NOT ENTER THE SCREEN. People saying that is incorrect. What was behind the screen had nothing to do with dust. Compaq had a problem with a company in Taiwan that installs the screen. Do to poor work tiny glass fragments were left behind. That is what the so called "dust" is. This problem has been fixed with all the new iPaqs. only sells new ones, their will NOT be a problem with the screen. Microsoft activesync has a problem when other usb devices are in the computer. I found Microsoft ridiculous when you call user support. Your best bet is to call compaq where they will give a solution that works perfectly. There is a lot of softweare for the ipaq out, and much more coming. For gamers, go to for all the gaming news. You can get great emulators to play all the old Nintendo and SuperNintendo games. I recomend the IBM microdrive or if that is too expensive get the Viking cf card. This is by far the best Pocket PC on the line. The 3630 and the 3650 are the exact same product w/ ho differences what so all. I called Compaq to confirm this. The only difference w/ the new compaq 3635 is the cf card that comes w/ it. The new one costs 100 dollars more, where you can buy a cf expansion pack for 35 dollars. I recomend getting the 3635 or 3650.Read Best Reviews of Compaq iPAQ 3630 Color Pocket PC Here
I've owned this unit now for 3 months. I've got the PC Card expansion for it, allowing me to use a wireless ethernet card to surf the web when I'm at home. The included applications from contact management to excel and word are all first rate. The synchronization is fantanstic (much better than old CE devices). I actually sync via the wireless card. I read and send my email through this thing. It really is much close to a full function laptop in terms of capabilities that a contact management device such as a palm. I've also got the Pharo GPS device/software combo for it, works great, actually talks you through the directions as you drive! The Reader software is also fantastic. I've read a couple of books (the ClearType is amazingly smooth and readable) and the best part of it is I don't have to leave the light on to read! Your significant other would appreciate that!I would strongly recommend this product.
Want Compaq iPAQ 3630 Color Pocket PC Discount?
When i first bought my ipaq in november, i hated the fact that my computer wouldnt recognize with active sync all the time. but i found a solution that has yet to fail. do the following:1. when active states "connecting" and it doesnt connect. take your ipaq off the cradle. 2. when active sync now says "disconnected" click on file, then get connected 3. another screen pops up and on this click next or ok 4. now a screen that shows that your computer is searching for your ipaq on all ports shows up. 5. turn off your ipaq and set it on the cradle. 6. ipaq turns on and connects.
this works all the time when i have the problem and i never have to restart the computer.
email me if u have any questions:
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